Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rantish, but with a moral point.

I was debating in the forums for a while, but after ranting about it to fellow Christians decided it wasn't worth it to keep on the debates. I had made my point and I couldn't force the others on the dogrealm forum to agree with me, which they did time after time after time.
Good grief at the ignorance though. Those people actually thought that American didn't have a Godly past and that the founding fathers were deists. So not true. George Washington was often prayed to God, Abraham Lincoln - when asked if he loved Jesus - replied that when he was a Christian and that yes he did love Jesus. I could go on and on. Benjamin Franklin was the least "religious" of all the founding fathers.
Also, I recently received the comment that Christians tortured people too. Uh, no, that was the Catholics that did that. (See "The Trail of Blood" and "Foxe's Book of Martyers".) Sorry if I offend any Catholics here, no offense. I know a lot of nice Catholic people. The true definition of a Christian is someone who has received Jesus as their Savior, but the world's definition seems to be just someone who goes to church. Many people who claim to be Christians aren't. They are people who go to church, put their Christian face on, and after church you can't tell that they're Christians at all. People like that are either not truly saved and hope that by doing good works they will go to Heaven or they are out of God's will.
I felt like I needed to clear that up. And I would really appreciate it if you left a comment. Thank you for reading and God bless you.

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