If you lose the wonder of your salvation, your heart can quickly become cold, and the enemy will have the advantage over you. Be careful; guard your heart for your King.~
from, The Terrestria Chronicles: The Sword, the Ring, and the Parchment
Once again, I have come to share my musings on following the straight and narrow path. This post's topic is serving God with all of your heart. When serving God, it is oh so easy to get side-tracked and start doing things, even following morals, for your own glory. A Christian's duty is to give glory to God, not self. It's fine to be proud of our accomplishments, but we shouldn't get a big head over them. We should recognize that God helps us and give Him His due praise.
Many things can get in the way of serving God. The devil has many traps. He wishes to slowly influence our thoughts and feelings. He does this through TV programs, the internet, individuals, etc. These things are not bad, they can simply be used for bad. They can be used for good as well.
After hearing a message for long enough, whether we realize it or not, we often start to believe it. For example, people I've talked to over the internet kept telling me things contrary to what the Bible teaches. At first, I argued strongly with them. Then I started giving in and wondered if their words were true. (Eventually, it got me into that pit of doubt that I was in not long before my first post in this blog.) Indeed, I almost started believing it before God called me back to Him so lovingly.
How can we keep ourselves from slowly turning away from God and doubting His Word? The best way is to have good influences. Read wholesome books, watch wholesome programs, listen to wholesome music, have wholesome friends, and most importantly--read your Bible daily. And keep in close communication with God through prayer. We cannot rid our lives of satanic messages completely, but remember: We have two natures. A good nature that wants to please God. And a bad nature that wants to please self. Whichever we feed most is the nature that will influence us most. If you find yourself doubting God, seek advice from a good Christian friend in addition to Bible reading and prayer.
Walking the straight and narrow path is not easy. It's tough, but God helps you through it if you let Him. And just imagine how glorious it will be once we all get to Heaven and we hear God tell us, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
Oh, and if you'd like some examples of wholesome books, I know of a few. A series that I got for Christmas--The Terrestria Chronicles--are especially excellent. They have been an immense sense of encouragment to me. I can give you a list of some others if you wish to ask.
God bless.